Where Can I Find the Refillable Jet Gas Torch Lighter 8812A?

Where Can I Find the Refillable Jet Gas Torch Lighter 8812A?

If you’re looking for the Refillable Jet Gas Torch Lighter 8812A, you’ve come to the right place. This popular torch lighter is a must-have for anyone who enjoys using gas torches for various DIY tasks around the home or yard. In this article, we’ll tell you where to find this product and provide some tips for using it effectively.

Where to Find the Refillable Jet Gas Torch Lighter 8812A

The Refillable Jet Gas Torch Lighter 8812A is available from various online retailers, including Amazon, eBay, and Home Depot. You can also find it at many hardware stores and gas station chains. Just enter “Refillable Jet Gas Torch Lighter 8812A” into the search bar of your favorite online retailer, and you should see a list of results. Select the one that best fits your needs based on price, customer reviews, and availability.

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How to Use the Refillable Jet Gas Torch Lighter 8812A

Using the Refillable Jet Gas Torch Lighter 8812A is simple. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1.Fill the torch lighter with fuel: Remove the gas cap and insert the refillable cylinder into the fuel container. Squeeze the handle to release the fuel into the cylinder, then remove the cylinder and cap it tightly.

2.Turn on the torch lighter: Hold the torch lighter at a 45-degree angle and press down on the ignition button. This will release a spark that ignites the fuel.

3.Adjust the flame: Rotate the flame adjustment ring to control the size of the flame. The larger the ring is turned, the larger the flame will be.

4.Use the torch: Hold the torch lighter steady and use the flame to heat up items such as metal pipes, frozen pipes, or sheet metal. Keep a safe distance away from flammable materials.

5.Extinguish the torch: When you’re finished using the torch, simply release the ignition button and the fuel will be extinguished automatically.

6.Refuel and store: When the fuel runs low, simply unscrew the gas cylinder and refill it with additional fuel. Replace the gas cap tightly and store the torch lighter in a safe place when not in use.

Important Safety Precautions

Before using the Refillable Jet Gas Torch Lighter 8812A, please read and follow these important safety precautions:

• Always use this product outdoors in a well-ventilated area, away from flammable materials and sources of ignition.
• Keep the torch lighter out of reach of children and pets.
• Never refuel or ignite the torch lighter while it’s being held in your hands.
• Always follow the instructions provided with the torch lighter and any fuel container you use.
• Store the torch lighter and fuel container in their original packaging when not in use to avoid any accidental activation or leakage.


The Refillable Jet Gas Torch Lighter 8812A is a convenient tool for various DIY tasks around the home or yard. It’s easy to find online and at hardware stores, and simple to use once you’ve mastered its operation. Please remember to follow all safety precautions when using this product to ensure your safety and avoid any accidents or mishaps.

Post time: Sep-30-2023